Thursday, September 18, 2008

Hurricane Ike visits Kentucky!

Yes, that is right...Hurricane Ike came all the way to Kentucky last weekend and things are still NOT back to normal. Sunday afternoon hurricane force winds battered most of the Kentuckiana (Kentucky and Indiana) region--Louisville got the worst, by far. Thankfully, we never lost power only the phone and internet for a bit on Monday. Though WE never lost power, Aunt Carrie, Uncle Sean, Savannah, Mimi and Papa, DID!! So the Hoene's have had a houseful since Sunday...Savannah and Logan have been together 24/7 for going on 5 days and Mimi has clocked some over time watching the kids. All I can say is...WHEW!!

Actually, all I can say is...It could have been much worse. My family is SAFE, my house is SAFE, we have PLENTY of food and water, and what is a few hours without email anyway? It could have been MUCH worse. In fact, I work for Shelby County Public Schools and in Mrs. LaGrange's 4th grade classroom yesterday, there was an empty seat. Why? A 10-year old boy helping his family by mowing the lawn on Sunday, no longer sits there...a victim of a freak accident as a result of the high winds on Sunday.

If you never lost power, it could have been worse.
If you were without electricity for a few days and had to "rough it" or move in with family, it could have been worse.
If your freezer is empty because you had to throw out spoiled food but have a full belly because of someone's kindness, it could have been worse.
If your home is pitch black because of the tangled tree limbs outside your window but your toilet flushes and your floors are dry, it could have been worse.

Each day I begin by thanking God for all he has blessed our family with...but this week, I have been doubly blessed because amidst all of the chaos and tragedy around, my family has been right here beside me and in my heart, I know that it could have been so much worse.

As a side note, all family members including Nana, Grandaddy, Aunt Alicia and Uncle Jason are all safe and with power. Many blessings...

Until next time...